Saturday, June 5, 2021

Be The Go-To Person

My husband and I went to the farmer's market and then went to some yard sales this beautiful late spring morning. A police officer I used to work with was hosting a yard sale along with his wife, and we had a very pleasant chat about post-retirement life. He told his wife that I was the "go-to" person for any information when we worked at the Buffalo Police Department.

If you are working as a crime analyst at the local level of law enforcement, it is good for you to develop the reputation of being the go-to person. You want to be remembered over twenty years later as someone who helped officers in the field.

How do you do that? Be quickly responsive. Be curious about what is needed and create information that is truly helpful, actionable information. Be welcoming when people come to you for help. Care.

If you need any coaching to do this better, email me at analystscorner at gmail dot com. 

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