Thursday, June 10, 2021

Analyzing Travel

The concept of analyzing a suspect's travel patterns is seen significantly differently by crime analysts versus intelligence or investigative analysts.

I enjoyed analyzing suspects' travels an Investigative Analyst in a federal law enforcement agency, when it was relevant in an investigation. For example, from where they flew on a plane (or in a car) to what destination, how long they stayed, how often they traveled... this a type of travel analysis related to a specific individual suspected of criminal activities.

In one case, I even had reason to contact a control tower of an airport, and they assisted me. That was interesting!

Analyzing Travel For A Case

Crime analysts tend to think more scientifically about travel patterns - for example, how it is more likely that a burglar might live close to a neighborhood he or she targets. The chapter Study the journey to crime in the book Crime Analysis for Problem Solvers in 60 Small Steps states that: "many studies have shown that the journey to crime is typically very short - offenders generally commit crimes within 1 or 2 miles of their homes."

More research on journey to crime:

Analyzing an Offender’s Journey to Crime: A Criminal Movement Model (CriMM)

How Far to Travel? A Multilevel Analysis of the Residence-to-Crime Distance

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