Monday, April 19, 2021

Updated TikTok Law Enforcement Guidelines

 Updated TikTok Law Enforcement Guidelines are available at this link.

"TikTok is committed to cooperating with law enforcement while respecting the privacy and other rights of our users. To achieve this, we have internal policies and procedures governing how we handle and respond to law enforcement requests. These require that we disclose user data only where a request is based on a valid legal process or in emergency circumstances.

All requests received undergo a case-by-case assessment by TikTok’s dedicated law enforcement response team before any user data is disclosed. This team is trained to evaluate requests from law enforcement authorities and frequently engages in outreach to communicate TikTok’s requirements for disclosing user data to law enforcement authorities."

Don't forget the great LE resource SEARCH "ISP List," available at this link:

"The ISP List is a database of Internet service and other online content providers that will help you get the information you need for your case. For each Internet Service Provider listed, you’ll find the legal contact information and instructions needed to serve subpoenas, court orders, and search warrants.

The ISP List is a law enforcement community effort, meaning that while it may reside on our website, it belongs to us all. If you come across newer information than what we have listed here, please let us know and we’ll update it. If you discover an ISP that we don’t have in the database, let us know and we’ll add it. 

We know that getting the information you need from Internet service and other online content providers can be challenging. If you need assistance in this area, let us know through our Assistance & Training Center. We can answer your questions about submitting a legal request and we can help you decipher the results."

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