Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Summarizing Subject Information

We don't have standard products across the board in crime and intelligence analysis, but any analyst working routinely on investigations will find a way to summarize information on a suspect that works for them, if their agency doesn't already have a template they use.

This for-example-only "Subject Summary" image below was created using Excel and then filling the background white and setting the print area. The beauty is that you can include anything you want in this format. This example does not include things such as case number, social media accounts, businesses owned, nor a narrative overview. If you have a case with multiple suspects, you can keep this information in one case-named Excel workbook - very convenient.

This is just an example to trigger your imagination to make it relevant for you; if you are not doing something like this already to summarize the pertinent information that resulted from your search on a subject of an investigation, it's time to invent one. 

I found a site that illustrates what they call "Target Packs" which includes free template downloads at this link.

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