Friday, March 26, 2021

Elder Abuse Guide for Law Enforcement

 The Elder Abuse Guide for Law Enforcement (EAGLE) focuses on elder abuse, which includes crimes targeting the elderly. 

"By virtue of U.S. demographics, elder abuse is one of the fastest growing crimes in the United States. Elder Abuse Guide for Law Enforcement (EAGLE) is a national web module designed to support officers in identifying, intervening, and resolving cases of elder abuse."

As an analyst, no matter what agency you work for, you are likely to identify elderly victims of financial abuse/victimization. 

From the website:

"Financial Elder Abuse Is…

Using an older adult’s money or assets (pension, home, social security checks) contrary to their wishes, needs or best interests, or for the abuser’s personal gain.

Undue influence is when a person of trust manipulates and takes advantage of a vulnerable elder to gain control of money, property or life—either directly or through power of attorney, trust, marriage, adoption, or inheritance."

The Identifying and Responding to Elder Abuse: An Officer’s Role  website page from the IACP has a tool called the Senior Abuse Financial Tracking and Accounting Tool (SAFTA) described as:

"a simplified method for investigating suspicious financial patterns and prosecuting cases of suspected financial exploitation of older adults."

It includes an Excel worksheet with instructions and subpoena templates.

The USDOJ's website Elder Justice Initiative is another website with elder abuse resources.

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