Monday, February 11, 2019

For Analysts: Track Your Accomplishments

In order to be best prepared to demonstrate your value as a law enforcement analyst, start gathering evidence of all the work you have done so far. Then make certain to keep tracking your accomplishments in an ongoing manner.

I recommend putting together a presentation in PowerPoint or a similar program that includes examples of all your types analytical products. Bulletins, timelines, association charts, crime maps, investigative research reports, statistical reports, target profiles, threat assessments - whatever you have done so far as an analyst should be included. Highlight the best examples of your work.

Along with this, start adding to your resume or CV. What training have you had? What certificates have you earned? What have you done as an analyst and professional that might be relevant to your career advancement. Use verbs like "developed," analyzed," "networked," "collaborated," and those found at this link.

If you track your work in an ongoing manner, you won't forget what you have accomplished. When it comes time to present your capacities to those working in your agency, finding examples will be easy. Whether it is for your performance reviews or for training officers to increase their understanding of the value and applications of law enforcement analysis, you will be better prepared.

Start today!

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