Wednesday, February 13, 2019

For Analysts: Track How You Spend Your Time

Time management can be a crucial issue for analysts.

Track how you spend your workdays for one week. Afterwards, ask yourself some questions:

What work did you do that produced the most important results?

How did you waste time?

Did you take enough breaks? Too many breaks? No breaks?

Did you ask for help that might have been available? Delegate, if possible?

Did you socialize too much? Too little?

Were you interrupted? Were you distracted?

When were you most productive?

When were you least productive?

Did you achieve your main goals each day? Do you know your main goals?

What did you do that you should not have been doing?

Did you prioritize your work and do first things first?

What activities were most in line with your work priorities?

Did you plan your work?

Working smarter is better than working harder. Spend some time analyzing how you spend your work days. Find ways to improve upon how you use the most valuable asset of time.

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