Tuesday, September 16, 2008


This is a message forwarded to me by David Jimenez (for some of you it will be highly relevant - if you don't know what I'm writing about, then this message is not for you!):

Hello everyone,

I talked to Linda Hammond a few days ago and she has had to take our LEANALYST server off line until they can figure out what is going on. Could be hacking. Might not be. There are people investigating it. Anyway, by taking it completely off line, our info on it is safe. She said it may be down for another month.

So, please, if you know of other members who are eligible to join CYBERCOPS, get them to send me a message to k7va@comcast.net with all of their agency information including govt e-mail, and I will do my best to get them up here on CYBERCOP.

Ray Sanford
Administrator, Coast Guard Investigative Association (CGIA) on CYBERCOP

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