Saturday, September 13, 2008

Henley-Putnam University

Here are some details about an online program of interest to current and future analysts:

"Henley-Putnam is a leader in the education of the developing strategic security industry because of its focused curriculum, advanced degrees, collaboration across military, law enforcement and the intelligence community and because of the "real-world experience" of its faculty and founders."

Our Mission

"Our university’s mission is to serve professionals in the strategic security industry, especially within the law enforcement, military and the intelligence community, by increasing their opportunities for advancement in the fields of intelligence management, counterterrorism studies, and the management of personal protection. Our focus is on delivering user friendly, high quality, online degree programs with an emphasis on furthering knowledge in deterrence and prevention.

About Henley-Putnam University

Henley-Putnam University was conceived after more than twelve years of planning and research to contribute to the professional development of protection, intelligence and counterterrorism tradecraft. The founders designed the University to meet the strategic security industry’s establishment of higher educational standards – and in keeping with this design, brought on board only faculty with real world experience in their respective fields. Today, Henley-Putnam University is a premier university for higher education in the advancing fields of protection, intelligence and counterterrorism."

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the recognition Deborah. Should anyone have questions about Henley-Putnam, I am happy to address them, as are other members of the faculty and staff.

    Bart Bechtel
    Assistant Chief Academic Officer
