Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Report on Disrupting Drug Tafficking

Cooperation with many Drug Transit Countries has Improved, but better Performance Reporting and Sustainability Plans are Needed
"Each year, criminal organizations transport hundreds of tons of illegal drugs from South America to the United States through a 6 million square mile "transit zone" including Central America, the Caribbean, the Gulf of Mexico, and the eastern Pacific Ocean. Since fiscal year 2003, the United States has provided over $950 million to support counternarcotics efforts in transit zone countries, which historically lacked the capacity to interdict drugs. GAO was asked to examine (1) how the United States has assisted transit zone countries in disrupting drug trafficking and (2) what factors have impeded these efforts. GAO analyzed relevant data, met with U.S. and foreign officials, and visited selected countries."

See the summary of this July 2008 US Government Accountability Report online.

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