Friday, November 26, 2021

A Behavioral Approach to Modus Operandi: Incident Form Completion and its Effect on Predictive Analysis

 The dissertation A Behavioral Approach to Modus Operandi: Incident Form Completion and its Effect on Predictive Analysis can be found at this link.

So much emphasis on data-driven policing minimizes the shortfalls of how data is actually collected in policing, as well as the true quality problems of the data. Read this paper to expand your thinking about these issues.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Business Email Compromise

The United States Secret Service guides below will give you a better understanding of the criminal activity known as business email compromise (BEC).

A Guide to Business Email Compromises

Anatomy of a Business Email Compromise

Monday, November 22, 2021

Preparing for a Cyber Incident: A Guide to Ransomware

The United States Secret Service's Preparing for a Cyber Incident: A Guide to Ransomware is available at this link.

The USSS Preparing for a Cyber Incident: An Introductory Guide is available at this link.

Even if you do not work in cyber crime investigations, this is useful knowledge.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

RISS Investigative Support Services

"RISS offers law enforcement agencies and personnel a full range of diverse and far-reaching services and programs to assist agencies, from the beginning of an investigation through the prosecution and conviction of criminals.  Law enforcement personnel can query intelligence databases, retrieve information from investigative systems, solicit assistance from research staff, utilize surveillance equipment, receive training, and use analytical staff to help apprehend, prosecute, and convict criminals."

Analysts can access RISS to get additional information for their investigations. Here is the link.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Federal Directory of Training: Training Opportunities for State, Local and Tribal Law Enforcement

Federal Directory of Training: Training Opportunities for State, Local and Tribal Law Enforcement is a page with links to agencies providing such training. Check it out here.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Why Law Enforcement Needs to take a Science-Based Approach to Training and Education

 Why Law Enforcement Needs to take a Science-Based Approach to Training and Education is a report available at this link.

"Law enforcement has experienced significant challenges in 2020.

Recent events have sparked a nationwide discussion on the role law enforcement plays in society. As such, our communities are demanding and deserve highly trained law enforcement personnel equipped with the decision-making skills required to handle the increasingly complex calls for service that officers face nationwide.

This can only be accomplished by evaluating current police training methods against what science has proven to be effective. To this end, IADLEST and its Partner Advisory Committee (IPAC) have created a digital report as a reference guide for chiefs, sheriffs, mayors, risk managers, Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Directors, training academy directors and all those who have an investment in police training and education.

Use this tool to transform the quality of your law enforcement training and education in ways that will contribute to lasting progress."

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Data Tricks and Tips for Working with Complex Data

CompStat360: Data Tricks and Tips for Working with Complex Data from National Police Foundation on Vimeo. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

PREDICTIVE POLICING: The Role of Crime Forecasting in Law Enforcement Operations

PREDICTIVE POLICING: The Role of Crime Forecasting in Law Enforcement Operations is a 2013 RAND report available at this link.

"Smart, effective, and proactive policing is clearly preferable to simply reacting to criminal acts. Although there are many methods to help police respond to crime and conduct investigations more effectively, predicting where and when a crime is likely to occur—and who is likely responsible for prior crimes—has recently gained considerable currency. Law enforcement agencies across the United States are employing a range of predictive policing approaches, and much has been written about their effectiveness. This guide for practitioners offers a focused examination of the predictive techniques currently in use, identifies the techniques that show promise if adopted in conjunction with other policing methods, and shares findings and recommendations to inform future research and clarify the policy implications of predictive policing."

While technology develops swiftly and has improved since 2013, this report is still very useful in articulating important predictive policing concepts, including predictive policing myths. 

"Myth 1: The Computer Actually Knows the Future"
"Myth 2: The Computer Will Do Everything for You"
"Myth 3: You Need a High-Powered (and Expensive) Model" (of computer)
"Myth 4: Accurate Predictions Automatically Lead to Major Crime Reductions"

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Awesome OSINT

Looking for more OSINT resources?

Visit Awesome OSINT on GitHub at this link.

A curated list of amazingly awesome open source intelligence tools and resources. Open-source intelligence (OSINT) is intelligence collected from publicly available sources. In the intelligence community (IC), the term "open" refers to overt, publicly available sources (as opposed to covert or clandestine sources).

Friday, November 5, 2021

The Changing Nature of Crime And Criminal Investigations

The January 2018 Police Executive Research Forum report The Changing Nature of Crime And Criminal Investigations is available at this link.

"The reality is that the science of criminal investigations is changing rapidly, and many law enforcement agencies are not prepared for the changes that are taking place. This report is a wake-up call for the policing profession. If we are to be successful in combating crime in the 21st century, agencies must have the training, tools, and skilled personnel to understand the changing nature of crime and to be resourceful in investigating new types of crime."

The excerpt below is on page 57.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Do Serial Sex Offenders Maintain a Consistent Modus Operandi?

The short answer is NO. 

Do Serial Sex Offenders Maintain a Consistent Modus Operandi?: Findings from Previously Unsubmitted Sexual Assault Kits isa research article  available at this link.

Another article: Understanding the Predatory Nature of Sexual Violence