Thursday, April 1, 2021

It's Spring: Traveling Criminals

Although you may see indicators of them in other seasons, traveling criminals may visit your community in the spring and fall. 

One indicator:

You see an uptick in crimes where elderly people are scammed for roof or driveway repairs. You should investigate similarities in these incident reports and all related information, to ascertain if two or more crimes can be attributed to the same suspect(s).


"Here are 7 asphalt paving warning signs:

Selling door-to-door: Reputable asphalt contractors will sometimes offer their services if they are doing a legitimate job in the immediate area. Always ask for references.

Claiming they have leftover asphalt from another job: Professional asphalt contractors will know, with great accuracy, how much paving material is needed to complete a project. Rarely will they have leftover material. Some of the reasons a contractor might have leftover material are weather, equipment problems, cancellations. etc.

Push you to make a quick decision: Reputable contractors will provide a written estimate that will be valid for weeks or months. If the great deal they are offering you today is not available tomorrow or next week, it may be a scam.

No contract offered: Insist upon a written contract specifying in detail the work to be performed and the agreed-upon price.

Cash-only sales: Most reputable contractors take checks or credit cards and don’t require cash-only terms.

Deals that seem to be good to be true: If the quoted price seems very low, chances are the quality of the work will also be quite low.

Unmarked truck: Often the trucks scammers travel in are unmarked or they have an out-of-town address and phone number. A little research will reveal that they have no permanent address, and the phone number is often an answering machine."

Read Bogus Caller Impostor and Deception Theft or Distraction Burglary by Traveling Criminals at this link.

Read Traveling Contractor Scams at this link.

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