Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Is Your Agency Considering a New RMS?

A new guide, as described below, is available at this link. Every crime analyst should be at the table when an agency is looking for and purchasing an RMS system, since information is crucial to our work.

"Ashburn, Va., April 21, 2021 - The IJIS Institute is pleased to announce the release of a critical publication entitled Standard Functional Specifications for Law Enforcement Records Managements Systems, Version III. This significant accomplishment was the effort of the Records Management Systems (RMS) Standards Task Force, a joint group formed by the IJIS Institute's Law Enforcement Advisory Committee (LEAC) and the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Criminal Justice Information Systems (CJIS) committee.

The guidelines have been produced to support agency policy development, request for proposal development, law enforcement training development and delivery, and an overall general understanding of what should be included as part of a records management system."

Also see, at this link: International Association of Crime Analysts (IACA), RMS Technical Requirements for Crime Analysis, Standards, Methods, & Technology (SMT) Committee White Paper 2013-01 August 2013

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