Friday, June 14, 2019

#11 Lessons From My Story

I will post a "lesson" from my life as an analyst once a week until I run out of them! Skip over these if they don't interest you. For those who read on, consider the power of your own stories and where they might take you. And if you want to follow these post threads, in the future click on the label "my story."

Lesson: Your analysis may be unwelcome.

Once I was meeting with a top commander to provide him with the statistical analysis he had requested. He was very angry with me, because he statistics did not reflect what he wanted to hear and could be interpreted as a policing failure.

I told this commander that he needed to know the facts to be prepared to deal with the media and community leaders. He did not like hearing that, either.

Your job as an analyst is to provide facts, not to twist them to please policy-makers.

Another way your analysis might be unwelcome is when your work makes more work for officers or investigators. If you uncover a significant problem, you may be viewed as a problem yourself!

Nevertheless, do your work with integrity. Don't hide anything. If you present more problems, come armed with possible solutions.

Stand up for the truth.

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