Monday, April 15, 2019

For Analysts: Teach Them to Fish

"...if you give a man a fish he is hungry again in an hour. If you teach him to catch a fish you do him a good turn." ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie

How many times does an officer, investigator, or agent come to you and ask you to do a search for something they could easily do themselves? What do you do when this happens?

Your main role as an analyst is to help; however, helping others do what they can do for themselves is  a misuse of your time. You might want to do this occasionally as good public relations to prove your general attitude of helpfulness, but as a work policy you might run yourself ragged doing little tasks. You are training your co-workers to view you as less than you are. Your analytical capacity to do higher level, complicated, more value-added work will be underutilized.

What to do?

One solution:
Say yes but add the caveat - I will do it but I need you to watch me so that you can learn how to do it. After a few times your most persistent requestors will stop asking. Consistently show the requestors how to do their work. Teach them to fish!

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