Friday, February 26, 2010

Crime and instability: Case studies of transnational threats

Crime and instability: Case studies of transnational threats February 2010, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Interrupting The Market for Stolen Property

Interrupting The Market for Stolen Property is a post from the Crime Analyst's Blog well worth reading.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Colorado's Fusion Center Recognized at National Fusion Center Conference

Colorado's Fusion Center Recognized at National Fusion Center Conference

"The Colorado Information and Analysis Center, an FBI agent assigned to the Joint Regional Intelligence Center in Los Angeles and the deputy director of the Northern California Regional Intelligence Center won awards at the National Fusion Center Conference today as fusion center of the year and as outstanding fusion center federal and state/local representatives." 2/23/2010

Swansea Love Story

Swansea Love Story

I found this link in the CNN news article about the videos "Swansea Love Story." A 180% increase in the use of heroin in the past four years in Swansea, Wales is the topic subject of the videos. These videos personalize the statistics. Too often, we focus on numbers and not what they mean in the qualitative world.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Course may help students help police prevent crimes

Course may help students help police prevent crimes

Thanks to my friend Tom Algoe for sending this along. I personally would like to see the resources of academia harnessed more to address real-world problems, as this article proposes.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mid-Cape police use teamwork

Mid-Cape police use teamwork is an article about pooling crime analysis resources on Cape Cod - this will likely make your vacationing safer! :-)

Tampa's Focus on Four Plan

Tampa's Focus on Four Plan was documented in 2008. Since then crime has dropped even more. "On February 9, 2010, new statistics released announcing that Tampa’s crime rate has dropped a whopping 56% since 2002." Read an article on this strategy. Read the Focus on Four Plan. The four crimes Tampa focuses on strageically are burglary, robbery, auto break-ins and auto theft.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Crime prevention assessment tool

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime's Crime prevention assessment tool offers an interesting perspective.

"The present Crime Prevention Assessment Tool is a joint assessment tool developed by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) to support joint programming at the country level. The Tool is an essential step towards more sustainable and integrated approaches to crime prevention and also an important advance in inter-agency collaboration at the country level."

New Book - Tactical Crime Analysis: Research and Investigation

"Tactical Crime Analysis: Research and Investigation provides a comprehensive discussion on both the theoretical and practical aspects of crime series analysis, making it a critical resource for those engaged in crime prevention and investigation." This new book is by respected experts in the field - Derek J. Paulsen, Sean Bair, and Dan Helms. It is a significant addition to the growing literature that increasingly legitimizes crime and intelligence analysis in policing.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Prolific offender caught

Prolific offender caught is an article highlighting a success story involving a crime analyst identifying prolific offenders who break into vehicles. Nice work!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Hope for Students

For students who would like to be crime analysts some day - read this!
Student working with Phoenix Police homicide unit

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Predictive Policing: What Can We Learn from Wal-Mart and Amazon about Fighting Crime in a Recession?

Predictive Policing: What Can We Learn from Wal-Mart and Amazon about Fighting Crime in a Recession? by Charlie Beck, Chief of Detectives, Los Angeles Police Department, and Colleen McCue, President and Chief Executive Officer, MC2 Solutions, LLC, Midlothian, Virginia in the The Police Chief online magazine.

Easy = True

Easy = True is an article to get you thinking about your thinking... how might it pertain to the world of crime and intelligence analysis? I am certain it does.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


INTELLIGENCE LED POLICING: A VALUABLE LAW ENFORCEMENT PHILOSOPHY is an online article by Stephen R. Auger from Innovative-analytics & Training. Feedback is welcome.