Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Need for Analysis

As I watch the news, waiting for the President's speech, I cannot help think about this blog and my sincere desire that analysis become a real emphasis in public safety, including homeland security issues. Here is a quote from my 2006 book "Out of Bounds: Innovation and Change in Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysis:"

"Looking for the unknown threats that are hidden in the data requires the proactive and effective analysis of data — people with a proclivity to answer the unstated and unforeseen questions. There may be unknown elements existing in the data — hidden threats that we could uncover, if we had adequate resources dedicated to the task." p. 9

We know those hidden threats exist and that new threats will emerge.

What will be do about these threats? Information sharing is not enough. Collaboration is not enough. Collection is not enough. Co-location of resources (such as fusion centers and task forces) is not enough. We need individual people with initiative, with critical and creative thinking, with access to disparate data and with the authority to ask questions of the data. We need human brain-power to analyze and synthesize those pieces of information that will create the knowledge we need to protect the public - technology and policies are not enough.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Deborah: I could not agree more with your comments. Proactivity, creativity, initiative, endeavor, and honesty are requisites to our profession and to life.
