Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Community Policing – Theory & Practice

Community Policing – Theory & Practice is a good posting from the blog Our Blocks. This blog has many links to resources related to Community Policing. Check it out.

About the blog:

"Building blocks for building communities

* Our purpose is to provide a ready reference for people who want to work (and play) together to make a difference in their neighborhoods.
* We summarize the best material that’s already out there, and try to make them more accessible (shorter, mobile-readable) and richer (f.e. by using tags & links).
* We collect stories of ordinary people doing extraordinary things for their neighborhoods. (Some of us learn better through stories than through technical stuff)
* Theory is good, but we like practice (lessons learned, case studies, best practices).
* We try to distill the material so as to highlight ideas that have been tested, whether they worked or not.
* With your help, we maintain a list of online libraries and resources that are available to the public, for free."

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