Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Inquiry fails to find single trafficker who forced anybody into prostitution

Inquiry fails to find single trafficker who forced anybody into prostitution



  1. It comes to something when a newspaper has to do the second A in the SARA model for us!!

    I'm sure that to anyone who works on the inside this kind of thing is of no surprise. When have you ever heard the police say "Well, we tried to do something but unfortunately it didn't work". Nope, it's always the same. "We did X warrants, areested all these people, your streets are now safe".

    I think senior cops need to be trained in understanding how to interpret numbers, or listen to their analysts. And a bit of honesty to the public wouldn't go a miss.

    Sorry for the cynicism, Police Chief are not elected in the UK unfortunately.

  2. Many scholars have been pointing this out for a while (just google "human trafficking + moral panic"). This is not to doubt that instances of human trafficking do not exist, but that the degree of the problem has probably been over-estimated.
