Monday, June 22, 2009

City police deploying aggressive crime plan

City police deploying aggressive crime plan

See: Annapolis Police Department’s Crime Fighting Strategy 2009

1 comment:

  1. Hi Deborah, thanks for sharing this. Couple thoughts...

    1. The charts on page 22 could be a bit misleading; I would think crime tends to go down in the winter here in MD as it's too cold to hang out outside. To see if their strategies are really working, I'd need to see the numbers from may-oct 2009.

    2. I would have liked to have seen ILP discussed as a strategy for disrupting the few criminal leaders who I'd gather are driving the majority of criminal activity there.

    3. Finally, they make a point early in the document that when they say "we" they are including everyone they partner with; however, I don not see any discussionof non-law enforcement strategies from other departments like public works, social services, education, etc., that would contribute to reversing crime trends in the city.

    Thanks again...r/Chuck
