Tuesday, June 30, 2009

New Blog: Policing with Intelligence

Policing with Intelligence is a new blog worth checking out!

Terrorism and Tobacco. How Cigarette Finances Jihad

Terrorism and Tobacco. How Cigarette Finances Jihad

While the source of this article is not clear, it does contain important information.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Sharing information – the best way to beat cyber crime

Sharing information – the best way to beat cyber crime

This is a good article I love this line: "A further difficulty for police is that traditional forces were set up to deal with local crime, where incidents took place in the real world." I wonder if, when we learn how to police in the virtual world, it will help us police better in the real world...

Memphis a victim of crime reports

Memphis a victim of crime reports

There is too much to comment on in this article that I don't know where to begin...

Efficiency move: SFPD puts crime analyst in station

Efficiency move: SFPD puts crime analyst in station

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Officers collect unwanted medicine for disposal

Officers collect unwanted medicine for disposal

Good idea..

Do mergers work in law enforcement?

Do mergers work in law enforcement?

This article represents a discussion that is a prerequisite to the true implementation of Intelligence Led Policing in the United States. At least the discussion is beginning....

Oxnard limits liquor licenses to reduce crime

Oxnard limits liquor licenses to reduce crime

This is an interesting article.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Testimony of Acting Under Secretary Bart R. Johnson, Office of Intelligence and Analysis

Testimony of Acting Under Secretary Bart R. Johnson, Office of Intelligence and Analysis, before the House Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Intelligence, Information Sharing, and Terrorism Risk Assessment, "FY2010 Budget Request"

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

United Nations World Drug Report 2009

United Nations World Drug Report 2009 (released 6-24-09)

"Every year, the World Drug Report provides one of the most complete assessments of the international drug problem, with comprehensive information on the illicit drug situation. It provides detailed estimates and information on trends in the production, trafficking and use of opium/heroin, coca/cocaine, cannabis and amphetamine-type stimulants. The Report, based on data and estimates collected or prepared by Governments, UNODC and other international institutions, attempts to identify trends in the evolution of global illicit drug markets."

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Mortgage Loan Fraud Connections with Other Financial Crime

Mortgage Loan Fraud Connections with Other Financial Crime
March 2009 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) Report

June 2009 ATF Explosives Industry Newsletter

With the US Fourth of July around the corner I happened upon this resource, which includes fireworks information, that you may find useful:
June 2009 ATF Explosives Industry Newsletter

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Murder: New York City

Murder: New York City

Courtesy of The New York Times - an interactive map of NYC homicides 2003-2009.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Trafficking in Persons Report 2009

U.S. Department of State's Trafficking in Persons Report 2009

"The ninth annual Trafficking in Persons Report sheds light on the faces of modern-day slavery and on new facets of this global problem. The human trafficking phenomenon affects virtually every country, including the United States. In acknowledging America’s own struggle with modern-day slavery and slavery-related practices, we offer partnership. We call on every government to join us in working to build consensus and leverage resources to eliminate all forms of human trafficking."
--Secretary Clinton, June 16, 2009

Related: U.N. Global Report on Trafficking in Persons, 2009 (February 2009)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Securing the Northern Borader

If you read Gerry Rising: Northern border is long and sometimes meandering path from my local Sunday newspaper, you will see how impossible it would be to make our borders "secure" the way some would like to believe is possible... interesting.

Theft opportunity monitored

Theft opportunity monitored: Police will be watching the effect the bridge has on local crime rates and criminal movement.

This is strategic thinking and proactive policing...

Monday, June 8, 2009

THE CONVERGENCE OF CRIME AND TERROR: Law Enforcement Opportunities and Perils

THE CONVERGENCE OF CRIME AND TERROR: Law Enforcement Opportunities and Perils
Dated March 26, 2007 - from CENTER FOR POLICING TERRORISM by Daveed Gartenstein-Ross and Kyle Dabruzzi

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Copper thefts threaten infrastructure

Copper thefts threaten infrastructure

This is a great article on the subject of copper theft.

Low-level felons add millions to spending

Low-level felons add millions to spending

There has to be a better way to do our business. I am all for targeting habitual criminals, but what should we do with them besides the strict sentencing "solution" this article highlights as too costly?

Saturday, June 6, 2009

US to ramp up intel efforts in drug war

US to ramp up intel efforts in drug war

"The strategy, drawn up by the Office of National Drug Control Policy, calls for wide-ranging improvements to intelligence gathering and analysis that can be used by law enforcement units." Read more...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Landmark Op Targets Burglary Across Leeds

Landmark Op Targets Burglary Across Leeds


"The arrest phase of Operation Greenhill II - the largest operation of its kind in West Yorkshire Police’s history – sees more than 100 officers from the Force’s Organised Crime Group, Operations Support Division and the three Leeds policing divisions target more than 120 people suspected of being involved in hundreds of burglaries and the trade in stolen goods.

The arrests follow months of investigation using a range of intelligence-led tactics based on information received from the community which has led to the recovery of more than 75 vehicles, worth more than £1,000, 000, and tens of thousands of pounds worth of other valuables that have been stolen in burglaries across Leeds and neighbouring counties."

Fighting organised crime in Scotland

Fighting organised crime in Scotland

This is a very interesting article about policy changes in addressing organized crime in Scotland. Worth the read - food for thought.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

New Programs Put Crime Stats on the Map

New Programs Put Crime Stats on the Map This Wall Street Journal article on todays' front page discuses Internet crime mapping tools such as CrimeReports.com - see my podcast serendipitously created with CrimeReports.com's CEO and founder on this same topic today.

Blog Talk Radio: Greg Whisenant on CrimeReports.com

Today on Analysts' Corner on Blog Talk Radio Join me, Deborah Osborne, and Greg Whisenant as we discuss his affordable and innovative solution to crime mapping for the public. Greg Whisenant is the founder of CrimeReports.com, and is committed to helping local law enforcement communicate directly with the general public. He has a Masters in Public Policy from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, and he has won awards for his entrepreneurship in the state of Utah.