Saturday, October 4, 2008

Two Invitations

Dear Readers,

Here are two invitations to dedicated analysts and leaders in the field:

1. I am looking for one or more persons to add to this blog on a regular basis - on a volunteer basis. I don't get paid so I cannot pay you, but this is an opportunity to help me keep the blog going while I concentrate on other areas. Paste your resume in an email and tell me why you want to do this and what value you hope to add... and, hopefully, you can help me improve the site! If anyone fills this offer by being suitable from my point of view, I will allow he/she access to posting.

2. If you are interested in being a guest on Analysts' Corner Blog Talk Radio show, send me an email with your topic and qualifications. To participate, all you have to do is call in to a number at a specific, agreed upon time. Shows can be 15 minutes to an hour long. (They can be longer but that is all I am up to doing!)

Thanks to all of you for making this a rewarding endeavor!


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