Wednesday, February 27, 2008

NJSP Practical Guide to Intelligence-led Policing

New Jersey State Police
Practical Guide to Intelligence-led Policing
September 2006

"In the era of Homeland Security, data collection and intelligence analysis are vital components for ensuring appropriate planning and resource allocation that supports the police, emergency responders, and private sector as they collectively strive to prevent, deter and respond to crime, terrorist attacks, and man-made or natural disasters."

Resources allocation becomes an issue when resources are limited and/or dwindling, as policing resources are in the United States. ILP is rooted in making the best choices for resources allocation. It is much easier to implement ILP at the state level than the local level. In one county alone, without regionalization, there can be 25-50 law enforcement agencies wanting to keep the status quo, having different missions - getting those agencies to join a collective effort means that they might risk losing their value and thus their jobs.

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