Friday, February 22, 2008

Entry-Level Analyst’s Tools and Skills Project

While the resource at this link applies to the generic "intelligence analyst" from Mercyhurst's view, which includes analysts in business and national security, and the author's military perspective as well, most of the concepts can be applied to analysts in policing.

Entry-Level Analyst’s Tools and Skills Project by Halen D Allison, Student Supervisor of Research and Development at Mercyhurst College Institute for Intelligence Studies

Halen D Allison :
“The purpose of the Entry-Level Analyst’s Tools and Skills (ELATS) Project is to provide clear and concise information pertaining to the skills and tools with which an entry-level intelligence analyst should possess and be familiar. This document is not intended to be the final authority on the matter, as information can be tailored to meet specific needs.”

Analysts' Corner focused on skills and qualities for analysts this week - more posts on this topic will be presented in an ongoing manner. Read Chapter Three of my book Out of Bounds: Innovation and Change for Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysis (pages 31-49)book for more information on personal qualities and characteristics of analysts.

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