Friday, May 28, 2010

Making the Analytic Review Process Work

Making the Analytic Review Process Work: Toward a Stronger Intelligence Product by Martin Petersen

This article applies to national intelligence products and process, but by reading this we can get some ideas for law enforcement intelligence products and process as well. Why do we have so little review of our products in local level crime and intelligence analysis? I have some answers, but what do you think?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Blog Update

I am no longer going to be looking actively for things to post on this blog. If I run across an article or resource appropriate to the blog, I will post it. I encourage my students to explore the blog for resources and information about crime and intelligence analysis. Thank you readers, for visiting this site. Keep up the good work in developing the profession!

Japan’s Elderly Crime Triples on Isolation, Economy

Japan’s Elderly Crime Triples on Isolation, Economy
Worth reading - we usually read about crime against the elderly, not the elderly committing crime. Will this be a trend in the future in the U.S.?

500 euro notes withdrawn over organised crime fears

500 euro notes withdrawn over organised crime fears

This is a great example of an anti-crime strategy that does not involve apprehension of criminals.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Arrests for burglaries are up, but the crimes have gone down

Arrests for burglaries are up, but the crimes have gone down

"Strickland credits the agency’s action plan, which includes more crime analysis and mapping, visits to every burglary scene by detectives, a revamped pawn shop database and a reward fund." Read more....

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Techniques You Can Take Home

Techniques You Can Take Home is a handout by by Christopher Bruce that may give you a few good ideas if you are a working analyst....

Friday, May 7, 2010

Focus: Cleveland missing persons list now available online

Focus: Cleveland missing persons list now available online

Sometimes the simplest things a crime analysis unit can do make a lot of sense and prove quite useful to the community.