Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The West Side Story Project

Learn about the West Side Story Project as a crime and conflict prevention tool on my latest Analysts' Corner Blog Talk Radio show. For more information on the project and using arts in crime prevention: americansforthearts.org (searchable database on youth arts prevention projects, including one on using the arts for conflict resolution) 5thavenue.org (information on the West Side Story Project) cops.usdoj.gov (West Side Story Project tool kit should be available online in Spring 2009) Email for more information on the project: pam.beal@seattle.gov I refer to the book The Story Factor: Inspiration, Influence, and Persuasion through the Art of Storytelling by Annette Simmons on the show. It is a great resource in understanding how we might use stories to change the status quo.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Google Tech Talks

For you techies out there - here is a cool resource on YouTube: Google Tech Talks

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Change in Thinking - Systems Thinking

This video gives an introduction to systems thinking...

Systems thinking is important in the development of crime and intelligence analysis.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Critical Thinking and The Intellectual Traits

Dr. Richard Paul on the intellectual traits important in critical thinking...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Tony Buzan and MIND MAPPING

Here is another video on thinking skills...

Friday, September 19, 2008

Six Thinking Hats Lecture by Edward DeBono

While I am on vacation in Italy, I hope to entertain and educate you with lecture on experts in thinking skills via preselected YouTube videos. Enjoy!

Below is a video that will give you an overview of Six Thinking Hats, a concept I have used in my presentations on thinking skills for analysts. It can be applied to the work of analysis.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Nationwide theft spree ended here, police say

This article is a great example of why we need to communicate, analyze and create intelligence that might someday make us better at catching chronic criminals early rather than later in their careers.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


This is a message forwarded to me by David Jimenez (for some of you it will be highly relevant - if you don't know what I'm writing about, then this message is not for you!):

Hello everyone,

I talked to Linda Hammond a few days ago and she has had to take our LEANALYST server off line until they can figure out what is going on. Could be hacking. Might not be. There are people investigating it. Anyway, by taking it completely off line, our info on it is safe. She said it may be down for another month.

So, please, if you know of other members who are eligible to join CYBERCOPS, get them to send me a message to k7va@comcast.net with all of their agency information including govt e-mail, and I will do my best to get them up here on CYBERCOP.

Ray Sanford
Administrator, Coast Guard Investigative Association (CGIA) on CYBERCOP


Here is a new blog by my friend and analysis expert from South Africa, Dalene Duvanage.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Police Strategies and Tactics: What Every Analyst Should Know

A good resource: Police Strategies and Tactics: What Every Analyst Should Know by Christopher W. Bruce ● President ● International Association of Crime Anaysts ● July 31, 2008

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Intelligence Analysis: Continuity and Change

This is an interesting video about analytical staffing, analytical tools, and change in the Intelligence Community...

Omagh GCHQ intelligence

This is an interesting article on intelligence sharing issues/problems in the Omagh bombing investigation.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Henley-Putnam University

Here are some details about an online program of interest to current and future analysts:

"Henley-Putnam is a leader in the education of the developing strategic security industry because of its focused curriculum, advanced degrees, collaboration across military, law enforcement and the intelligence community and because of the "real-world experience" of its faculty and founders."

Our Mission

"Our university’s mission is to serve professionals in the strategic security industry, especially within the law enforcement, military and the intelligence community, by increasing their opportunities for advancement in the fields of intelligence management, counterterrorism studies, and the management of personal protection. Our focus is on delivering user friendly, high quality, online degree programs with an emphasis on furthering knowledge in deterrence and prevention.

About Henley-Putnam University

Henley-Putnam University was conceived after more than twelve years of planning and research to contribute to the professional development of protection, intelligence and counterterrorism tradecraft. The founders designed the University to meet the strategic security industry’s establishment of higher educational standards – and in keeping with this design, brought on board only faculty with real world experience in their respective fields. Today, Henley-Putnam University is a premier university for higher education in the advancing fields of protection, intelligence and counterterrorism."

Friday, September 12, 2008

Survey from IALEIA website

Analysts can help in a research project by taking this survey:


The focus of this survey is to assess Intelligence-Led Policing (ILP) to determinine whether ILP produces robust results that would lead to actionable intelligence in crime reduction. Is ILP being used in the U.S. or abroad in law enforcement agencies? Why does it work in some agencies and not others?#
Take the ILP survey
Point of contact: Trigo-Valdez, Edna at Edna.Trigo-Valdez@sdsheriff.org

Thursday, September 11, 2008


As I watch the memorial services this morning, honoring those whose lives were lost so tragically seven years ago today, it is my hope that we continue to strive toward creating a safer world. It is my sincere and abiding belief that the development if crime and intelligence analysis can lead us much farther on that path. Let us not only hope nor give in to despair, but, rather, join together to work toward that safer world.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

25 Personal Security Tips

25 Personal Security Tips to help you design crime prevention bulletins.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Joseph Concannon on New York Metro Infraguard

September 10, 2008 Analysts' Corner Blog Talk Radio Show Join me, Deborah Osborne, and retired NYPD Captain Joseph Concannon, as we discuss InfraGuard, alliances between the private and public sector, and the importance of analysis beyond policing boundaries. Joe is founder, President and CEO of the NY Metro InfraGuard Member Alliance and a 25 year veteran of the NYPD, where he won over 17 awards and commendations. InfraGuard is is a collaboration between the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the public and private sector promoting sharing information and dialog to help protect the critical infrastructure of our nation. Read the New York Metro InfraGuard brochure here.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Crime analyst on the way

This article touts the benefit of hiring a crime analyst...

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Langley - Langley Crime Analyst Helps Police to Reduce Property Crime

This article describes the process of using an RCMP analyst to reduce property crime in British Columbia.

Handbook of Intelligent Policing

The Handbook of Intelligent Policing is a new book from the UK's Oxford University Press.

"In the last twenty-five years, there has been a growing awareness of the role of intelligence within law enforcement activity. This edited volume on intelligence is the first of its kind to draw together in one volume scholarly and practical perspectives on intelligence in policing. In a range of essays from leading experts and practitioners, this book sets out the main concepts and philosophies behind the practical framework for intelligence gathering and analysis in UK policing."

Friday, September 5, 2008

Why we don’t understand as much as we think we do

This talk on mental models is about other disciplines, but it illuminates an issue that is important in the critical thinking of analysts. It focuses on fostering good interpretation as opposed to hanging on to mental models that are in error.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Geographic Profiling

Join me and Dr. Kim Rossmo as we discuss Geographic Profiling on Analysts' Corner, on Blog Talk radio, at 3 PM EST today. Read about using new applications for geographic profiling in the article Hunting Insurgents.

Erik Hargrove

Someone should give this young man a full-time crime analysis job!

"Erik Hargrove knew that social networking sites like MySpace had become a magnet for sexual predators. What they didn't know was that Hargrove was about to devise a way to monitor them. Now, Hargrove's innovation is considered a model for law enforcement agencies." read more...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

William Tafoya on Analysts' Corner

Listen to me and William Tafoya on Blog Tall Radio. Dr. William Tafoya is a professor from the University of New Haven's National Security Program (see www.newhaven.edu/nationalsecurity). This is a program that prepares students to become analysts in the US Intelligence Community. Bill is an internationally recognized authority on the law enforcement use of technology and the future of policing.

Crime rates for the city cause people to take notice

This is an article worth reading.

Resource posted by Chief Tom Casady on the IACA website:
Compare FBI Part 1 crime rates between two cities quickly:

Monday, September 1, 2008

Jerry Ratcliffe on Intelligence Led Policing

Listen to Jerry Ratcliffe on the topic of Intelligence Led Policing on Analysts' Corner on Blog Talk Radio.